When Jean Wisken wrote to Your Pet to warn others of how easily her daughter's kitten crawled into the washing machine, Janice Holland was prompted to explore what it takes to make our homes "kitty safe".
It was the worst day of my life," says Jean Wisken, of Robina, recalling how her daughter's six-month-old
Burmese cat, Sapphire, climbed into the drum of their front loading washing machine.
I placed a few items in the machine then went upstairs to fetch more laundry. By the time we discovered Sapphire was missing, the machine had been working for several minutes.
"The thought of what Sapphire must have endured will haunt me forever, all because I failed to close the door between loading the washing."
Sapphire received immediate vet care and survived her ordeal. But Jean's experience is a pertinent reminder of how careful we need to be around the home when inquisitive kittens are involved.
Kittens can get themselves into all sorts of mischief because they are naturally inquisitive.
"This is so they can learn and grow, it is how they learn the way of the world," says Sharon Tooth, head nurse at Paddington Cat Practice in Brisbane.
"Kittens are a bit like children, they need to be kept in line by their parents. If kittens are not watched by their mothers then they rely on their owners do ensure that their home is safe for them."
So how can we keep kitty out of harm's way?
Safety first
Think safety first. Kittens can easily get underfoot and trodden on, especially after a strenuous play session when they will just fall asleep when the need arises, which could be in the hallway or on stairs. Encourage your kitten to sleep safely in its own bed.
Also keep an eye on where they climb, such as bookcases, fridges and cupboards, as exploring kittens can easily fall and sustain injury. It's probably best to put glass and other fragile items away until your kitten learns the household rules.
Sharon says most kittens will not chew power cords but there is the odd one that will chew almost anything and it is very difficult to stop them.
"Put the cords inside a hose pipe when running them around the house. This makes it more difficult to chew. You could also put some Tabasco sauce on the cord to deter the cat but ensure the cord is not connected to the power source first."
In the kitchen
Cleaning agents should always have secure lids and be kept in cupboards.
"I would also recommend that after using cleaning agents, the area is washed thoroughly. This way a cat cannot come along and lick the area and ingest the residue that can cause erosion to the tongue or throat. If a cat should come into contact with any cleaning agent, phone the vet for advice then get to the vet as soon as possible."
It is hard to watch kittens and cats all the time when you are cooking. Keep them out of the kitchen if possible as they could jump up onto the stove and burn their feet on the hot elements.
Sharon says ensuring hot items are away from the edge of benches and not leaving pots unattended will help.
"If anything should happen, such as your cat pulling a pot of boiling liquid down onto itself, immerse the cat in cold water and get it to the vet as soon as possible."
And be sure to check fridges and freezes before closing them in case any smells have enticed your cat inside.
In the bathroom
Thankfully, most kitties do not like water so will not play in the bathroom, but if a cat should fall into a hot bath, immerse in cold water and take to the vet.
"I know that I have had a kitten fall into the toilet. The tell tale signs were a soaking wet cat and toilet seat, so the kitten had jumped straight out. However, it is probably best to get into the habit of closing the lid after use to avoid your kitten falling in."
In the laundry
Sharon says she is paranoid about closing a washing machine or dryer with a cat in it.
"I always check before I close the door to make sure there is no cat in the machine before I put it on. I sometimes double check exactly where each kitten or cat is before turning the machine on too!"
In the garage
There are some nasty things in the garage and Sharon recommends keeping everything in a secure cupboard, so cats cannot get at any of the poisonous products.
"One thing that is fatal to cats is anti freeze, which is added to car radiators. If this should leak, cats like the taste and once ingested they need to be treated within six hours to stop irreversible kidney damage. The only cure if not treated is a kidney transplant which will cost from $4000 to $8000."
In the garden
There are many indoor and outdoor plants that are dangerous to pets so its best to ensure your cat cannot chew on any part of a plant. Sharon warns that any flower from the lily family is toxic to cats if ingested and will cause fatal kidney failure if not treated quickly.
This can occur even if a cat just mouths any part of the plant. As lilies are popular with florists, be particularly careful if your kitten is moving around a floral arrangement containing lilies.
The outside world
When it comes to exploring the outside world, Sharon provides her "totally inside cats" with access to the outside world with a cat enclosure that is attached to one side of her house.
"This way they can laze out in the sun and also come and go as they please. We live on acreage and so have the added hazard of snakes and ticks. By having the enclosure it keeps away the tick problem and we have not had any snakes in the enclosure."
Keeping windows and doors screened will prevent your kitten from falling or wandering off unattended.
To exercise your kitty and let it explore the big wide world, keep in mind that cat harnesses are available and walking a cat on a lead is becoming popular. (And it will become more popular as more people do it!)
In case of emergency
Sharon says if in any doubt about your cat's health or safety, contact your vet immediately and get advice.
"We are always available to give clients advice no matter how trivial. If a cat is just slightly off it is always better to catch something early so that the cat does not get dehydrated and really sick before the vet's attention is sought. If a kitten or cat has ingested anything toxic, we may be able to save them."
Of course, the best way to keep your kitten entertained and out of mischief is by providing lots of toys, a scratching post and interaction.
"Play with a kitten every day with toys, rolled up paper or a piece of string," Sharon says.
"If you get into the habit of spending quality time with your kitten it will learn to come to you naturally and the activity may even help to keep your cat from getting fat."
Hopefully, these suggestions will help to prevent any accidents around the home such as the "most horrific experience ever" endured by Jean Wisken and Sapphire.
Jean says Sapphire is now as playful and as mischievous as ever, but will always be thought of as their little Aussie battler.
"I pray that she will enjoy a long life despite her terrifying ordeal," Jean says.
And so do all of us.